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Isabel Peralta

Isabel Peralta
María Isabel Medina Peralta is a Spanish neonazi activist.

She is the daughter of a far-right Spanish activist, Juan Manuel Medina, who ran as the head candidate for the far-right “España 2000” party in the 2004 Spanish general elections. He later joined the Partido Popular (PP) and served as the head of the local PP chapter in Seseña and a city councilor, where he was the deputy leader to the current PP mayor of Toledo, Carlos Velázquez.

Peralta began studying at the Complutense University of Madrid in 2019 and she claims that her father sent her to live with her mother during this time because of her far-right beliefs. She is said to have first become involved with the far-right Hogar Social Madrid, before helping found Bastion Frontal — a far-right organization founded in May 2020 — which became known for its opposition to public health measures against the coronavirus. Her fellow cofounder, Rodrigo Miguélez became well known for assaulting then leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, during a campaign event in 2021. The group organized various far-right protests, such as demanding the freedom of Kyle Rittenhouse in front of the American Embassy, as well as protesting against the removal of bodies from Franco’s Valley of the Fallen. Additionally, Bastion Frontal has attempted to assault and kill people of migrant backgrounds. 

Peralta first entered public consciousness after speaking at a memorial to the Spanish volunteer unit division Blue, which participated in Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union. In her speech, she proclaimed “the enemy will always be the same, even though wearing different masks: the Jew, because there is nothing more certain than this statement: The Jew is to blame, the Blue Division fought them. And they are the European leaders of Communism, a Jewish invention.”

This statement brought her to the attention of various international neonazi networks, and Peralta spent the next ten months in Germany working with organization Der Dritte Weg as an intern to learn propaganda and combat techniques from the organization. She was subsequently barred from entering Germany after attempting to smuggle illegal contraband such as a swastika flag and a copy of Mein Kampf into the country. She has become widely admired among neonazi activists with German neonazis writing “Peralta” with spray paint on a Palestinian artist in Germany. 

In September of 2023, Peralta attended a David Duke campaign fundraiser in the United Kingdom organized by Mark Cotterill. She later participated in the Ferraz protests, where she would do a Nazi salute in front of the crowd. She had also attempted to use the protests to revive Bastion Frontal after its membership declined following a split between Peralta and Miguel.
