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RIMPAC, the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise, is hosted by the U.S. Navy with 29 participant countries, including Thailand and Israel.


Argentina’s Media Workers Just Knocked Back Javier Milei

Argentina’s Media Workers Just Knocked Back Javier Milei

Meet the Shadowy Network Vilifying Climate Protestors

Meet the Shadowy Network Vilifying Climate Protestors

How Israel Funds UK Parliamentary Staff

How Israel Funds UK Parliamentary Staff

To Become NATO Chief, Mark Rutte Denied Israeli War Crimes

To Become NATO Chief, Mark Rutte Denied Israeli War Crimes

¿Colombia está usando el Spyware Pegasus?

¿Colombia está usando el Spyware Pegasus?

Labor and the Bibi-Modi “Bromance”

 Labor and the Bibi-Modi “Bromance”

From America with cash: Right-wing groups want to end abortion in the UK

From America with cash: Right-wing groups want to end abortion in the UK

Bangladesh is vexed by and wary of Modi’s unstinting support to Sheikh Hasina

Bangladesh is vexed by and wary of Modi’s unstinting support to Sheikh Hasina

US Congresswoman Takes Down Fantasist Republican Committee Hearing on Brazilian Democracy

US Congresswoman Takes Down Fantasist Republican Committee Hearing on Brazilian Democracy

How Britain Shields Israel from War Crime Charges

How Britain Shields Israel from War Crime Charges

Stephen Harper’s firm behind spy tech Israel is using to target Gazans

Stephen Harper’s firm behind spy tech Israel is using to target Gazans

Seeds Of A New Coup In Brazil

Seeds Of A New Coup In Brazil

Brazilian lawyer exposes deceit at heart of “Twitter Files”

Brazilian lawyer exposes deceit at heart of “Twitter Files”

The costs of Reliance’s wildlife ambitions

The costs of Reliance’s wildlife ambitions

The US Hindu Right Is Still Whitewashing the Gujarat Pogrom

The US Hindu Right Is Still Whitewashing the Gujarat Pogrom

Colombia’s Right Is Trying to “Soft Coup” Gustavo Petro

Colombia’s Right Is Trying to “Soft Coup” Gustavo Petro

Hindu far-right lobbied Canadian cities to celebrate a mosque’s destruction

Hindu far-right lobbied Canadian cities to celebrate a mosque’s destruction

Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors

Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors

The British cabal courting Turkey’s Erdogan regime

The British cabal courting Turkey’s Erdogan regime

How American Libertarians Are Remaking Latin American Politics

How American Libertarians Are Remaking Latin American Politics

Who funds Labour Friends of Israel – and why won’t it say?

Who funds Labour Friends of Israel – and why won’t it say?

Charity loophole lets US donors give far-right groups $272m in secret

Charity loophole lets US donors give far-right groups $272m in secret

Tory Lobby Group Secretly Funded By Israeli State-Affiliated Institute

Tory Lobby Group Secretly Funded By Israeli State-Affiliated Institute