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Rafael Bardaji

Rafael Bardaji
Rafael Bardaji is a member of the Vox Executive Committee. Born to a political family, his grandfather, Luis Bardaji López, was a minister during the Second Republic part of the Alejandro Lerroux government, supported by the right-wing CEDA coalition.

His cousin, Adolfo Díaz-Ambrona Bardají, was the founder and president of the Extremaduran branch of the Partido Popular (PP). Believing himself to be an expert politico, he is known for using Darth Vader as his avi on Twitter. 

After failing to pass the entrance exam to the diplomatic service, he traveled to the United States where he made contacts with the American neoconservative movement. During this time, he founded a think tank, Strategic Studies Group (GEES), which had close contacts with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) or the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Badarji served as an advisor for the Jose Aznar government from 1996–2004, where he is considered to be one of the main supporters of Spain’s entry into the Iraq War. 

After leaving government in 2004 after the defeat of the PP in the polls, he worked for the Jose Aznar-led FAES and Friends of Israel initiative, where he worked together with Pablo Casado. He became a critic of the PP lead Mariano Rajoy government after it returned to power in 2011, believing it was taking far too moderate stances on policy issues. These differences eventually caused him to join VOX in 2018, where he was immediately given a spot on the executive committee.

Badarji’s contacts with the American right allowed VOX to build relationships abroad. An advocate for an alliance between the “alt-right” and Israel, he helped the party hire “spin doctors” associated with Benjamin Netanyahu. He met with John Bolton in 2018 and laid the groundwork for deeper contacts between VOX and the American Republican party. He maintains a close relationship with Donald Trump's campaign advisor Steve Bannon. In 2019, shortly before VOX entered national parliament, Bardaji was hired to the board of an explosives manufacturing company. After October 7, 2023, Bardaji published an article that equated Hamas with Palestinians and stated that “the only future that can be planned for Hamas is that of its disappearance.” He has continued to support the Israeli campaign in Gaza. These hard right opinions not only represent the views of VOX, but also represent the continuity of the opinions of his political mentor, Jose Aznar.
