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Jack Posobiec

Jack Posobiec
John “Jack” Michael Posobiec III, born December 14, 1984, is a prominent far-right Republican activist known for promoting various conspiracy theories.

John “Jack” Michael Posobiec III, born December 14, 1984, is a prominent far-right Republican activist known for promoting various conspiracy theories. While in university, Posobiec became involved in the College Republicans and started a local chapter of Students for Academic Freedom, an organization associated with the “counter-jihad” activist David Horowitz. Subsequently, he went on to work for several Republican politicians including Rick Santorum, Jim Gerlach and Pat Meehan and received compensation for federal political campaigns during the 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012 political cycles.

In his personal life, Jack was also a member of the US Naval Reserves from 2010 to March 2017 and was deployed to Guantanamo Bay in September 2012 shortly after he stopped receiving payments for federally listed campaigns. 

After returning to the United States, he continued to work for military intelligence. He went on to work for Citizens for Trump during the 2016 election cycle. During his time at the organization, he went on to “investigate” the Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor, alledging it was the center of a child trafficking ring headed by Hillary Clinton. This led to the shooting of the pizza parlor by a far-right gunman who believed in the conspiracy theory.  He was also behind a hoax claiming that anti-Trump protesters held up a “rape Melania” sign. 

Citizens for Trump was headed by George Lombardi who was known to be Trump’s Europe fixer and established contexts with Marie Le Pen, Orban, and the Austrian Freedom Party. This organization also employed Roger Stone during the 2016 cycle. The organization was later investigated for having failed to report campaign spending as required by federal law, as well as allegedly receiving donations from foreign nationals, although charges were eventually dropped because the FEC is deadlocked with an even number of Republicans and Democrats.  

Jack claims he left his position with military intelligence around March of 2017 due to the toxic work environment created by his pro-Trump advocacy. However, it is more likely that he had his security clearance suspended in February of 2017. During this period, he also claims to have worked for CBS News, something that the news organization has denied

After his time working for Citizens for Trump, Posobiec was briefly hired as the DC correspondent for Canada-based far-right journalism outfit Rebel Media. The outlet's owner, Ezra Levant, is also associated with the “counter-jihad” networks and David Howoritz had funded several fellowships for the website. During his time as the outlet, Posobiec was known for asking softball questions in the White House press room. But his more important contribution was being behind several viral fake news stories during the early Trump presidency. These include fake claims that the FBI director stated in his testimony that he had not been ordered to halt investigations into Trump’s links with Russia. 

Posobiec was also a key node in spreading leaked emails during the 2017 French Presidential campaign as part of an effort to promote Marie Le Pen. He also promoted the Polish neo-fascist organization the National Radical Camp during his time at Rebel News and it should be noted here that Jack is of Polish-American descent. In May 2017, he was terminated from Rebel News after several controversies. These included working with neo-Nazis to create videos promoting the conspiracy theory of the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich by Hillary Clinton and plagiarizing from Jason Kessler, the organizer of the Unite the Right rally.

After being outed from Rebel News, Jack continued to be actively involved in politics. He disrupted the famous Shakespeare in the Park event in New York because the actor playing Julius Caesar was dressed to look like Donald Trump. This was later defended by Ohio GOP Senate candidate Josh Mandel. Mandel later went on to launch a super PAC to support his bid, where Posobiec received over $15,000 in compensation. After the shooting of House GOP leader Steve Scalise, he went on to claim that Bernie had called for his followers to “take down Trump.” 

After the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville which saw one dead after far-right protesters sought to block the removal of the statues of Confederate generals, Trump brought Posobiec to fame by retweeting his claims that the media was far too focused on Charlottesville and was ignoring rampant gun violence in Chicago. Posobiec later traveled to Seattle in an attempt to protest a statue of Lenin and equivocate the two statues. He also participated in a “A Night For Freedom” event in Manhattan during January 2018 which also featured Gavin McInnes, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, and Ali Alexander.

Despite this controversy, Posobiec appears to have been hired as a correspondent for One America News Network (OANN) sometime in early 2018. During this time, he continued to promote various conspiracy theories, including ones about the recently committed Las Vegas Massacre. He would interview white nationalists on air during his time at OANN and push various white nationalist conspiracy theories like white genocide. Despite this, he was granted a Lincoln Fellowship by the Clairmont Institute, a non-profit think tank closely associated with Trumpism. 

During his time on OANN, Posobiec promoted the site SouthFront, a Russian government-linked disinformation website and made claims that Alexander Vindman was a Ukrainian government advisor looking to undermine the Trump administration. During the George Floyd uprising against police brutality, he asserted that Black Lives Matter protesters had planted pipe bombs in an attempt to destroy the Korean War memorial, getting into a fight with Floyd protesters in June of 2020. Ahead of the 2020 elections, Posobiec endorsed the #StoptheSteal movement, as well as told The Epoch Times that something would have to be done during the joint session of Congress on January 6. However after the assault on the capital, Posobiec has attempted to distance himself from the attack, claiming it was done by Antifa. 

Posobiec left the OANN network in May of 2021 to join Turning Points USA, which serves as an unofficial youth wing of the Republican Party, as well as to serve as the senior editor to Human Events one of Ronald Reagan’s preferred newspapers. He has held events with several GoP figures including Doug Mastriano the far-right candidate for governor in 2022 in Pennsylvania In December of 2022, he was also invited as a keynote speaker along with Marjorie Taylor Greene and members of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party, the German AfD, and the Hungarian Ambassador at the New York Young Republicans Club.

Posobiec and Greene subsequently joined protests with the NYYRC ahead of the move by New York federal prosecutors for falsifying business records And even though he was once banned from the event, Posobiec participated in CPAC Hungary in 2022, before being featured speaker at CPAC in 2023. During the 2024 CPAC speech, where he was invited alongside Argentine President Javier Milei, former UK PM Liz Truss, and leader of the Spanish far-right Santiago Abascal among others Posobiec said “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely.” which was met with cheers by the crowd.

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